Executive Board
Co-Presidents (2)
- Serve on the Executive Board in staggered terms to your co-president.
- Attend all HSA Executive Board meetings and HSA general meetings.
- Enforce the Constitution and By-Laws.
- Appoint chair people and representatives of all special and standing committees
- Function as the ex-officio of all committees.
- Be an active member of the Glen Rock Federated Council of Home and School
President Emeritus
- Serve on the Executive Board for one year post a two-year co-presidency term
- Attend all HSA Executive Board meetings and HSA general meetings.
- Provide knowledge and background on any previous decisions.
Enrichment/1st Vice President
-Coordinate Schoolwide or Grade Level Specific Assemblies and Enrichment
activities in accordance with Mrs. LaCroix and curriculum.
-Attend all HSA Executive Board meetings and HSA general meetings.
-Report on all enrichment initiatives at the Executive Board meetings and
general meetings.
Fundraising/2nd Vice President
- Organize and manage new and innovative initiatives to drive revenue and meet yearly fundraising goals
- Oversee and assist as necessary with traditional yearly fundraising events, including but not limited to: food days, restaurant nights, picture day, book fair, spirit wear, school supplies, bi-annual auction
- Work closely with the Treasurer to ensure payment to vendors, as well as receipt of funds from business partners
- Attend all HSA Executive and General Board meetings and report on fundraising updates and results
Social/Hospitality/3rd Vice President
-Oversee Central School’s Social events for parents and/or students for the year.
-Coordinate and manage parent volunteers for Social events/activities.
-Attend all HSA Executive Board meetings and HSA general meetings.
-Report on all Central School Social events at the Executive Board meetings
and general meetings.
- Have custody of the funds of the HSA and deposit them to the Central School HSA account
- Collaborate with the Co-Presidents to prepare a budget to be presented to the HSA at the September meeting
- Pay the bills of the HSA
- Keep an accurate account of receipts and disbursements of the HSA
- Attend HSA Executive Board meetings and HSA general meetings
- Be prepared to report on the budget at the Executive and general HSA meetings
- Oversee and coordinate all communication between the school, the HSA, and the home.
- Responsible for website management and maintaining historical documents on a shared file.
- Attend all HSA Executive Board meetings and HSA general meetings.
- Report on all responsibilities at the Executive Board meetings and general meetings.
-Oversee communication between Board members, volunteers, and
- Coordinate and organize the “Committees & Chairs” document each year. Write welcome letters to each chairperson with a detailed description of their role and responsibilities.
-Attend all HSA Executive Board meetings and HSA general meetings.
-Take notes at Executive Board meetings and general meetings and subsequently prepare minutes to be distributed and posted on the website.
Federated Liaison
The Federated HSA Representative shall assume the duties of the Federated HSA office assigned to the Central School HSA by rotation. The Federated HSA Representative shall report to the Board on any Federated HSA updates and information.
2019-20 2024-25 |
2020-21 2025-26 |
2021-22 2026-27 |
2022-23 2027-28 |
2023-24 2028-29 |
Federated President |
Hamilton |
Byrd |
Central |
Coleman |
Federated 1st VP/ Directory |
Byrd |
Central |
Coleman |
Hamilton |
Federated Secretary |
Byrd |
Central |
Hamilton |
Federated 2nd VP/ Calendar |
Central |
Coleman |
Hamilton |
Byrd |
Federated Treasurer |
Coleman |
Hamilton |
Byrd |
Central |
Order Labels HERE.
Order Central Spiritwear HERE! by creating an account
Order your Flow Society shorts HERE!
Important District Links
Glen Rock Public Schools Website
Glen Rock Federated HSA Website